Well a correction. I had glue bandages over the incisions. The glue has been coming off but now they are completely gone. And in two of my incisions I have a stitch hanging out of my body and the incisions are more open where the stitch is. I guess I ripped them or pulled it. I'm going to have a scar for sure. Now I'm upset again. I'm not sure what to do.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
My Journey {10 Days Post Op}
10 days have come and gone now. I am a little shocked that it has been 10 days already. But I am glad that I am very tough or I would have died in the last ten days. This has been the worst recovery ever for me. And this was my 5th surgery. I am still lovely shades of bruised, mainly black. My incisions still hurt, especially when touched. And laying down or getting up still hurts a lot. Who knew how much you used your stomach muscles untill your stomach was jacked up. But I am healing, at least physically. Mentally, it is still rocky. I am not sure I will heal mentally though. We shall see. I still have like ten more days till I see my doctor, and seeing my body makes me want to hurt him also. The swelling has been crazy with this recovery. In the morning, I look like I am 3 months pregnant, and by the end of the day I look 5 months pregnant, all from swelling. It's crazy! I guess that is normal? I truly have no idea. And I have a crappy nurse that doesn't tell me much of anything, so I am waiting to see. And I am off of Motrin now too. I was usppose to stay on pain pills for 1-2 months, that lasted 2 days. And Motrin for about the same amount of time. I guess having a high pain tolerance pays off at times. But it probably would of been an easier recovery if I had taken the pain pills like I should of and rested more. But life goes on and here's to ten more days of recovery..
Well a correction. I had glue bandages over the incisions. The glue has been coming off but now they are completely gone. And in two of my incisions I have a stitch hanging out of my body and the incisions are more open where the stitch is. I guess I ripped them or pulled it. I'm going to have a scar for sure. Now I'm upset again. I'm not sure what to do.
Well a correction. I had glue bandages over the incisions. The glue has been coming off but now they are completely gone. And in two of my incisions I have a stitch hanging out of my body and the incisions are more open where the stitch is. I guess I ripped them or pulled it. I'm going to have a scar for sure. Now I'm upset again. I'm not sure what to do.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I have been thinking about getting a pup. We had one over the summer but decided to rehome him due to money issues, but I miss him all the time. So now I am trying to decide to either get a full blood with a full blood price, or a mutt and "save a life". I use to have a dog rescue from 2001-2003, and saved over 120 dog lives. I loved being around the dogs, even the barking didn't drive me crazy. I didn't have that many all at once, I had between 20-30 at a time though. No I don't want that many dogs, my house would blow up! It isn't big enough. One maybe two dogs, tops. Thinking one for now. I could even foster dogs, but that may be a little harder with the kids. I could only foster puppies nothing that is going to attack a kid. I am a member with the local animal rescue, or I was, so fostering with them would be fine I bet. Or just go by one. Something to think about...

10 Months!!
Happy 10 Months little guy!!!! I can't believe in 2 short months I will have a ONE YEAR OLD! Holy cow!
More photos to come soon for his 10th month, but this photo was a challenge and I started hurting. Hopefully soon I can get some more.
My Journey (7 Days Post Op)
7 days, 1 week out of surgery... so when does the healing start happening? I am more bruised today than two days ago. My moods and emotions are everywhere. I can't control them, and at times I can't even stand me. I am so sad and heartbroken. I am still in a lot of pain, even though I am not on my pain pills and haven't been for 5 days. Yesterday I made my belly button bleed from sneezing.. a simple sneeze. I am not sure if I tore a stitch or what. With my last surgery I tore a stitch or two post op in my belly button, that was because I was doing too much. But I have been too much this time too. Resting isn't happening too much at all. So who knows. I just want to feel normal. Or at least better.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Pumpkin Patch
I love the pumpkin patch! I always look forward to going. The kids seem to enjoy it too! We have been twice so far, and maybe another time before the season is over. I need to edit some of the other photos from when we went but I haven't had time yet.
I love this little outfit on my little ones, and the hat too!
Halloween Pictures
Here are some of the Halloween pictures we did. I am going to retake a few of them, since I don't like them. But I love our costumes!
Little Robin
Wonder Woman
Captain America
All of my little ones! Love them so much!
My Journey (Day Five Post Op)
Today I'm five days out and today sucks! It's Monday so that means taking kids to school, going to Walmart, cleaning, picking up the kids, baby sitting, homework, etc, etc. fun times. Not really. I'm in a lot if pain today. I didn't sleep much at all last night. I feel lost and my emotions are out of control. I would never recommend a hysterectomy. Not that this was really my choice though.
Here are some pictures of bruising. I think I hate my doctor right now.
Here are some pictures of bruising. I think I hate my doctor right now.
My smallest incision with the least amount of drama.
My worst one. This one is black and looks awful!
Another one. Yellowish green.
That is down my leg. I can't show you the other parts of me that are BLACK!!!
Belly button, it looks better than last time, but hurts badly. Some bruising, worst inicion though.
Other parts of me are black. I have never seen a bruise so big or black in my life. It is awful! I would think it will be here for a month of more. I can't see this thing going away anytime soon.
I can't believe what my body looks like. It makes me cry daily to see it. And then to know what I have been through makes me cry more. Crying is the only thing I am good at right now. Or being mad at the world. I am good at that too.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
My Journey
Here I sit almost 72 hours post op, and this is a nightmare. The surgery went ok, the recovery is sucking though. I look like I was in a knife fight and I lost. My stomach look awful, 4 incisions. I am bruised. I hurt. And the baby isn't an easy baby. Everyone seems to want to help with the older kids, the kids that can walk and go to the bathroom alone. But the baby, that seems to be my job. Carrying him around is killer on me. He kicks me in the incisions. This has been going on since I came out of surgery. He stayed with me in the hospital and 12 hours after surgery I was carrying him around to calm me down to get him to go to sleep. Standing in the bathroom crying while holding him because I was in so much pain, because I couldn't take the pain pills cause they were making me sick and the hospital wasn't allowing me food. And now, nothing has changed. I am done crying. I am still hurting. I am still doing things I'm not suppose to do. I haven't had a pain pill in over 24 hours now, and probably won't take another one. They make me too tired and I can't take care of the kids. All I do know is that I shouldn't of had surgery. I have no idea how I am going to pay for this, and it's already something I regret. My body is taking a beating, while it is trying to heal. I am so swollen, and it is very lopsided. The nurses said that was ok. Seems odd to me though. It would make more sense if the side I carried Parker on was more swollen but it isn't. I guess the only decent thing about all of this is I don't have precancerous cells, at least for right. But I don't feel like me. Part of me is missing. Part of me, that I need.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Gigi's Italian Cream Cupcake
Gigi's Italian Cream Cupcake (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/italiancreamweddingcake). I don't like coconut, but this was a good cupcake. The icing was very sweet and fluffy. It was a nice cupcake and looks cute too! Simple but cute!
Gigi's Chocolate Hazelnut cupcake
This is Gigi's Hazelnut cupcake. (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/chocolatehazelnut). The icing is a hazelnut which wasn't bad. I have never had Nutella before, but most people swear it is so good. Well the middle of this cupcake had Nutella in it... and YUCK! I am not a fan of Nutella. I don't know what people are talking about. It taste a lot like peanut butter but with a small chocolate flavor. So gross. No thanks on Nutella and this cupcake.
Gigi's Sooner Victory Cupcake
First off, I can't stand the Oklahoma Sooners. I don't really like college football, but I hate the Sooners. I actually have a photo where I put the longhorn up right. :) Not that I a longhorn fan either. Anyway, on to the cupcake. This is from Gigi's (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/home) Chocolate cupcake, and icing. With red sprinkles and pearl looking things. Wonderful cupcake! Could easily be a Christmas cupcake. It was really good!
Gigi's Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
This is Gigi's chocolate chip cheesecake. (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/chocolatechipcheesecake) And it is SOOO yummy! Wow, it is wonderful! Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. Very sweet and chocolatey. Love this! It may be my new favorite!
Parker Update
Little Man went to the doctor on Tuesday and at that time he was only scooting around; which the doctor said was completely normal and that crawling isn't a must at 9 months. He could army crawl and scoot. Even would scoot using his arms to pull him while on his butt. And Wednesday Parker woke up and decided that he was going to crawl. And that's what he did!!! And he didn't decide to just crawl a little, but he crawls everywhere! He has explored this whole living room and kitchen. He stays near by me still, but he can get whatever he wants. He is also cruising now too. All along the couch, he walks around. And when he is crawling, he wants to stand so he will stop and place both feet flat on the floor with his butt in the air and try so hard to stand. He isn't very brave yet, but once he gets braver I think he will stand. He is so strong! What a busy week it has been for Parker!
He is also on some fruits. He kinda likes bananas and apples. He still doesn't care for blueberry, pears, or peaches. I still have some more to try with him. He LOVES yogurt though!!! He has only had the banana yogurt for now and will eat it all day if I allowed him. I am going to buy him some different flavors this week.
Parker is now saying mama... a lot!! Especially when he is upset. And he knows who mama is. He will say bubba, dada, and hi. He also claps, and we are working on waving.
He is growing so fast!! He needs to slow down. I am not ready for him to be a toddler!
He is also on some fruits. He kinda likes bananas and apples. He still doesn't care for blueberry, pears, or peaches. I still have some more to try with him. He LOVES yogurt though!!! He has only had the banana yogurt for now and will eat it all day if I allowed him. I am going to buy him some different flavors this week.
Parker is now saying mama... a lot!! Especially when he is upset. And he knows who mama is. He will say bubba, dada, and hi. He also claps, and we are working on waving.
He is growing so fast!! He needs to slow down. I am not ready for him to be a toddler!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Jeri (Jerrie) Scott Review
This review is for anymore looking to have Jeri Scott at Rose State.
I have been enrolled in Psychology with Jeri (Jerrie) Scott for two months
now. This has been the worst experience with
a professor/ teacher ever! First off,
Rose State changed the course book this year and it took Jeri Scott almost a
month to figure out that it was a different book. A Month into our class! At that time she did make an announcement on
the announcement page. At that time
though, Quiz 1 was due. Well most of the
class did very poorly with Quiz 1… including me. I emailed her since she had still yet to
reply to any student on the message forum.
I told her I didn’t do well on the quiz and was looking for a little
help. She then asked if I read the chapter
it was over (which I did and took notes and studied it), and then said I was
also suppose to read another part of the book (pages 400 and something)… that
was news to me! So I decided it was ok,
and I would do better next time. In the
next month, we had an activity due, I got mine back and passed and did ok, but
whatever I missed I am clueless about because she didn’t “correct” the paper…
all she said was “you needed to go into more details”.. Then I had a test due the next day, I did
fine on that also. Once again I have no idea what I missed so I was not
learning the material at all. What gets me is.. this last week we had
another activity due. We knew it was due
for about a month, and Jeri Scott “opened” the lesson about 3 weeks ago. Well the week it was due, about 3 days
actually before the due date, many students had completed the activity and it
was turned in, she went and changed the activity. Closed the first activity and reopened it as
a different activity with the same due date!
And she didn’t make an announcement or say anything at all about
it. NOTHING! That is so wrong. Bad teaching!
She is a very lazy teacher. Her
class is a lecture, but she never lectures.
She never says anything. You are
expected to read the book and basically guess which pages to read, and you
never know when the lesson will change.
It’s like a game; I don’t have time for games. I need a teacher that teaches. So if you are thinking about taking
Psychology with Rose State College, stay away from Jeri Scott!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Say A Prayer
This is so very sad... Jen was a photographer, with two young boys. She passed away this morning from ovarian cancer. She was only 37. Please say a prayer for her family. My heart hurts for them.
Heart Broken
I have no words for my feelings right now. They are every where at this moment. I know some BIG changes are coming to my life and soon!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
DC Cake Appeal
Here in Shawnee, we don't have many bakeries. This is DC Cake Appeal's (http://www.dccakeappeal.com/) chocolate cupcake. Nothing fancy. No decorations... they definitely won't be winning Cupcake Wars (a show on Food network) with their decorations, but the cupcake was very good. The cake was very moist and yummy and the icing rich with chocolate. And it was only $1.95!!!! Holy batman, that's cheap!!!! Right now they are in the middle of moving and won't be open again for a month or so. I am ready for them to reopen so I can get another fix. :)
Gigi's Pumpkin White Chocolate
This is (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com) Gigi's Pumpkin White Chocolate cupcake... and holy moly it taste just like Fall to me!! Wow. I was very surprised by this cupcake. I am not normally a fan of pumpkin tasting things, but this one I loved! Here is what the description of it online is:
"Pumpkin cake with white chocolate chips, white chocolate cream cheese frosting, dusted with pumpkin pie spice."
It was wonderful!! I need another one before the season is over!
Gigi's Peanut Butter Cup
This is Gigi's (http://www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/) Peanut Butter cup... I am not a fan. But then I am not crazy about peanut butter. I thought it was so cute though. The cake was crunchy in places and then the icing is all peanut butter. My boys liked it, but would have prefered to have a chocolate cupcake. Samantha didn't care either way.
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