Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Been Busy

Well life here has been busy. With homeschooling Connor, taking Michael back and forth to school, doing normal everyday chores, doing a couple of photography shoots and now starting to sell candles- no wonder I stay so behind on my blog. If you want to see my pictures they are at- photographybymalania@blogspot.com or on flickr under photographybymalania. I hope you check them out! I am still learning but also having a lot of fun along the way. I am now also going to be selling candles- Gold Canyon Candles and I would love for you to buy from me. They are wonderful smelling candles, and I sell more then just candles, there is body products, cleaning products, pods and warmers, etc. You can email me if you are interested in any of my products.

But enough about that. The kids are all doing well. We are all so happy it is fall break!! Even though we have only been back from vacation for about 4 weeks, we need a vacation. Michael is doing well at school, he is a little lazy at home but the teacher doesn't have any problems with him. Connor is doing well with homeschooling. I do need to get him around more children, so that is my goal for this month. He is starting to read now and his writing has gotten so much better. Garrett is a happy 4 year old. He knows all of his alphabet and is trying to get writing done. Garrett loves books and has a wonderful imagation. Devin is a normal 3 year old boy- in charge of everything. He is still not sleeping in his bed all night, he ends up in mine. He does know most of his alphabet and numbers to 8. But he would rather play and that is fine. And for Samantha- what can I say- she is a baby still and likes everything her way. Her sleeping is awful, she is getting up 2-5 times a night every night. She has started rice and oatmeal cereal. Sometimes she likes them and sometimes she doesn't. She is saying mama all the time now. She is also trying to say bubba. She can climb the stairs super fast already and she thinks it is so funny! It is pretty cute. :)

I guess I will end now and try to post more often. I know I have said that before. LOL! But I am hoping to take the kids to the pumpkin patch and also the zoo while on fall break, if it doesn't rain all week, so I hope I can post about those two things this week.

Have a wonderful fall break to everyone!!

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