Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baseball Season

Baseball season is over for us, but we had a great year.  The three boys improved so much, between practices and games, I would take them to a field and practice some more with them.  Their batting really improved. At the end of the older boys season, their coach went on vacation and I was asked to coach them, which I did.  I wasn't sure if I even wanted to coach or what to do with these kids, but we had fun and I actually enjoyed coaching.  Their last game was the teams best game, they played so well.  I think next season I will coach the whole season. We are looking forward to next year already.



Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th Of July

The kids and I had one of the best weekends ever this past weekend.  With July 4th on Friday, we got the whole weekend to celebrate; no work no stress.  It started Thursday and went through till Sunday.  Hanging out with friends and family and relaxing.  It was so peaceful, it should have been like this for the  last few years.  We all enjoyed it so much!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


This is in any relationship.  Sometimes it works out.  And sometimes it doesn't.  You just never know.  But dating has really changed since the last time I did it, back in high school.  I suck at labels.... when it goes from friends, to dating or whatever you call it.  Hanging out?  A couple?  Boyfriend/ Girlfriend?  Lord, there should be a book on this crap!  It's quite overwhelming.  One thing I have learned is, labels don't matter.  It doesn't change anything. Take your time, and see where it goes.


Yes I do.  I am too romantic for my own good most of the time.  I love little pet names. And I love hearing them being used on me. 

Movie Review- Law Abiding Citizen

Ok when I found out that Gerard Butler was in this, I HAD to see it!!!!!!!  And even though his naked butt is in this morning (which is so fine!!!!), this movie was just ok.  I guess it was a little better than ok, but Gerard dies in this and is the bad guy.  I mean seriously that handsome guy can't play a bad guy.  I do have to say, if someone killed my kid I would be just like him. The justice system doesn't always work like it should. 

Movie Review- Non Stop

This was a great movie!  I have always liked Liam Neeson. He makes such a good guy!  This movie kept me guessing the whole time.  a++++ 


Parker was at the fridge, he was getting himself so water.  Well I was standing there, he starts pointing and saying buttons. So I push the light button.  He says light, cool!  I started laughing.  What does a two year old know about being "cool".  
