Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bedroom Make Over!!

Since I moved into this house two years ago, I haven't been happy with my bedroom/ bathroom.  The previous owners painted the bathroom red and gold.  At first I was going to just go with that theme, ,but it isn't me!  I was using a bed that I got cheap, I couldn't afford new things when I first moved in.  With putting down a down payment, moving truck, and redoing my children's bedding and room, my room was on the back burner (just like any good parent would do).  So this month was my room!  And thank goodness it's done.  I went back and forth on theme, Eiffel Tower, beach... good theme, but the beach theme would have needed me to repaint my cabinets, I decided no.  I found this new bedding and fell in love and went with it.  I am going to do some vintage camera stuff in my room too, also will be making a pillow and added art work (when I get time and more money).  But here is a start.  
Bathroom, before and after. Light grey color.  I still need to do the toilet room to match.
Bedroom- before and after.  Love the two colors of grey that are on my walls, bedding, and headboard.  I am getting a bench at some point, and curtains.  I also got new blinds.  I will be painting the night stands a cream color.


Monday, December 30, 2013


January is a snowman theme at my house.  Snowmen just don't seem Christmassy to me.  They are perfect for winter though and January is a winter month.  Here's a wreath I made.  Love him!!!  I have a few snowmen decorations on the inside but this is my favorite.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!  Here are a few photos that I took. I hope every one had a blessed day!

Photo bombed by brother

Happy Boy

Waiting patiently


This one is out of focus, but the kids were getting tired and the self timer, must of moved the camera a little.

Blessings to all!  And only 364 more days  till we get to do it again!! :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my little guy!!!  I cannot believe that you are two!  I was worried about your birthday being on the 24th, you were 4 weeks early so I didn't have much choice in that day.  But you love Christmas!  You carry around Christmas cards, you love lights, the tree, you adore our Elf, you love everything Christmas!  It is adorable! 
Opening gifts

Cookie cake

cake made by me.  Not perfect though.


His new car!

It goes!!!


 He didn't blow out the candles.  So brothers did
