Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Goodbye 2012!!! Tonight we are watching Dick Clark's Rocking New Year, Happy New Year Charlie Brown, and the Thunder game. We are eating popcorn, chip, dip, meat and cheese tray, cupcakes, and cookies. The kids are loving it!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!  We had a really great day.  We were suppose to get 3-6 inches of snow, which must of been a joke, because I don't think we even got a trace.  It was super cold, but and sleeted a little.  We went to my parents this morning, and my siblings and grandma were there.  We have a nice gift exhange.  Then came home and started our dinner, and had presents.  The kids ended up with too much.  But they had a lot of fun openning gifts.  This photos are still on my camera though.  Some things they got were- toothbrush, underwear, socks, clothes, cooks, movies, legos, DS games, markers, colored pencils, paints, candy, tooth paste, pajamas, remote control cares, (Samantha dolls and clothes for the doll), football, basketballs, soccer ball, little toys and games.  Parker got a car to ride in, which he likes!  He also got clothes, socks, diapers, tooth brush, basketball, yogurt (his favorite!!), books, a ball toy, camera, remote control, and some other little toys.  After presents we had a nice dinner.  We also watched a lot of Christmas movies on TV.  Overall, we had a great day!

Our tree with the gifts under it.

When the tree first went up.

Starbucks, I was playing around.

Little man!

One of my favorites!

Another one of my favorites.

Merry Christmas to all!!


Three gifts from two of my boys that they made at school. I will keep them forever. <3!!! I love my little blessings so much! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Buzz the Elf

This is Buzz's last day! He brought a report on each child and a letter telling them good bye. We are going to miss him!

Happy 1st Birthday!!!!

I cannot believe this little guy is already ONE!!  How did that happen?  Time goes by too fast.  Last year, he was placed in my arms after a every long pregnancy.  I went into labor at 27 weeks, which they stopped.  At the beginning of my pregnancy my numbers were only 7 and I wasn't even suppose to stay pregnant.  I had to do blood work twice a week to check my numbers, and started on medicines to try and keep me pregnancy (same thing with Samantha's pregnancy since I lost two before her).  But we made it to 36 weeks!  And then during labor, just like with Samantha I started running a fever of 103.8, his heart rate was over 220.  They gave me a lot of medicine while in labor to stop the fever which never worked.  I was also on oxygen with his labor, due to my oxygen level dropping in the 80s.  He was born at 12:53AM on the 24th!  My little Christmas miracle!  After he was born since he was so early he had to go get checked out since he was having a little issue breathing.  I wasn't allowed to go with him, since my blood pressure dropped to 70/30 and stayed there for almost 10 hours.  But thankfully they brought him to me after 2 hours and he has been with me ever since!  I can't imagine life without him!
I love this one!

Growing way too fast!

Another one of my favorites! 

Another one of my favorites!  He looks so grown up!

These weren't as easy as I thought!   He looks so sweet!


He loves to clap!!  He claps for everyone, even himself! 

I will be posting more photos after I get them taken and edited.  Cake smashes, and a few more to come!