Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Garrett's 4th Birthday

Garrett's 4th Birthday is Saturday. It doesn't seem possible that he is almost 4!! Garrett is really into trains right now, his party is Thomas the train. He is such a happy child, he was a baby happy also. Garrett is very good with electronics, he can already figure out how to use David's I Phone. On Saturday we are going to Chuck E Cheese and having his family party that evening, and then on Sunday is his party.

Connor's 5th Birthday

I am pretty I didn't share pictures of Connor when it was his birthday. I don't think I had started blogging yet. Connor's birthday was Feb 20th. I can't believe he will be going to Kindergarten this year. :( I am not ready! Connor is so caring, I have always said that he should be a doctor, he is helpful and kind. He is also sensitive and calm. For his birthday we went to the zoo, it was pretty cold that morning, and then that evening, we had our little family party with just the 7 of us- which is presents from us, a cookie cake from the mall, dinner - he got to pick. And then on Sunday the 22nd was his party. He had a really good birthday.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Game Of Memory

Playing memory with a 5 year old, a 3 1/ year old, and a 2 1/2 year old = a challenge!! The boys and I played memory today, for the first time since Samantha has been born. This time Devin wanted to play also, he usually doesn't. Connor the 5 year old, didn't care if he won or lost, he was just having fun. Garrett the 3 1/2 year old, wanted to win. If he didn't get a match he would pout. Devin the 2 1/2, didn't have a clue on how to actually play, he just liked to flip over the cards and then mix them up while we were playing. LOL! He also thought he had to have all the matches that were Steve (Blue's Clues Memory). Samantha (3 months) sat by us and "watched" and got fussy when the pacifier would fall out. And of course Juliet (the cocker spaniel) is acting all wild today, because she can't go outside because of the rainy weather, so she was running through the house and chewing on anything she could get her paws on. The boys are already asking to play again tomorrow. They loved it!! And that is all that matters. :)

Going Private

I have been thinking about going private with my blog since the day I made it. It makes me nervous knowing that anyone could read it, and see pictures of my kids. There are too many weird people in the world for me. So I am will be making it private now, so I can share more pictures.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why Am I In A Basket?

One Amazing Thing!

Well today is the last day of Spring Break. Spring break didn't go as planned this year. We didn't have any fun, going to the zoo or Chuck E Cheese. Having 5 sick kids for 10 days was nothing I planned for. But something good did happen this week. Devin is potty training!!! It has been 3 days and 2 nights without an accident!!! Yay!!! He has done so good! I didn't expect it this week. We have been talking to him about potty training for a little while, and he would go when he wanted too but then would not go when he didn't want too. But this week he has done awesome!! Hopefully he keeps this up and is potty trained soon.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

RSV.... 2nd ER Trip This Week.

Samantha has RSV. Yesterday (Friday), I took her to the doctor because she wasn't feeling well. She was coughing a lot, congested, and not eating or sleeping well. They did a chest x- ray and a RSV test on her. They came back positive. The doctor told me what to watch for and if she got worse to take her to ER over the weekend. Last night at 8:30 she started running a fever of 99.9, I gave her Tylenol and at 11 it was 101. So I called the doctor on call and Samantha started having a hard time breathing, she was moaning and groaning. So we went to the ER. When we got there at 11:30 her temp was 101.5 and her oxygen level was 87. A few minutes later her oxygen level was 97. So they get her in a room and her temp is 101.9. So they give her more Tylenol. And hook her up to the machine to get her oxygen level. Her oxygen level kept going from 82-95. So they gave me an oxygen mask and I would have to give her oxygen when her level was lower then 93. So they decided to admit her. We get in a room and everything done at 3 am. We had to deal with a crappy tech that was mouthy about having to hook Samantha up to the machine. They took her temp once in the middle of the name. And then she was released this morning, even though her oxygen level isn't great and now she has an ear infection on top of RSV. We are not happy with the hospital. They didn't giver her any oxygen once she was admitted, even though her level would drop to the 80's. They told me things I am suppose to look for again, even though it is the same thing she has been having the whole time she was in there. We see her doctor again this week, and hopefully she is better by then.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have a great day!

Garrett In The ER

Well yesterday we had to take Garrett to the ER. His doctor couldn't get him in, nor did we give him much time. At 4:15 PM Garrett started acting very sick. And his temp was 102. So we went to the ER. At 4:45 his temp was 102.9. They did a chect x-ray, blood work (that was awful!!!! He screamed and cried about it for almost 3 hours straight- he didn't like it the IV in at all), they did a flu test and a strep test and everything came back normal. They gave him some fluids. And sent him home after 6 hours, saying that he has a virus. He still isn't 100% today, but a little better. He is playing some right now, so maybe he will be better soon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Time Is Coming!!

This is a Bradford Pear Tree that is actually in my neighbor's front yard. I took this picture from Samantha's bedroom window. I love these trees! They are my favorite. It was pretty warm here yesterday and today. The kids and I are enjoying the warm spring time weather!

O Romeo Romeo Wherefore Art Thou Romeo??

This is our cocker spaniel puppy, Juliet! She is 5 months old, and is already super spoiled even though we haven't had her long. She is living up to her name though. She likes things her way and can be prissy about it. She doesn't like anyone in our around her yard, and she didn't like the camera either.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Doctor Appointments

Today I had to take 3 of my 5 to the doctor- well all 5 of them went with me, only three were seen though. While we were checking in, I looked down and Devin has his pants at his ankles (I should write a book about all the things my kids do - LOL!). We finally get checked in after 15 minutes- very slow lady was helping us. Connor was there for his 5 year check up. He is 41 pounds (40th percentile) and 44 inched tall (65th percentile). He is growing well and look good. Devin was there because he hasn't been feeling well. There isn't an infection yet, but the doctor thinks he may develop one. His nose is all snotty, he has been coughing a lot, yesterday he was throwing up his lunch because of drainage. The doctor wrote me a script in case Devin gets worse over the weekend. And Samantha was there for her 2 month check up and shots. She will be 3 months next week. She weighs 13 pounds 3 ounces (50th percentile). Not sure about the length, the nurse forgot. She got 3 shots and screamed. It was awful listening to her. :*( Michael and Garrett are doing good. So that's our update.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sesame Street Live!

This morning we took the kids to see Sesame Street Live. It was Elmo's Green Thumb. Michael (8) didn't really want to go, he said Elmo was for babies. Connor (5), Garrett (3 1/2), and Devin (2 1/2) were very excited about it. Of course, Samantha (2 months) didn't care either way. When we got there the boys wanted a toy that spins and lights up. And Michael wanted one also! I guess he decided Elmo wasn't too bad after all. So we got them all one (we spent $60 on just those toys- wow, things there were not cheap!) We also got some snacks. We were on the 5th row on the floor so we had awesome seats!! Devin wasn't sure at first when they came out, but then he started to enjoy it. Samantha watched some of it, I think she liked the lights best though. This was out 3rd Sesame Street Live- we saw one in Oct of 2003 (in Louisiana), one in March of 2005 (in OKC- right before Garrett was born), and then this one this morning. I think this one was the cutest. It had a lot of dancing in it, which the boys enjoyed.