Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wednesday afternoon all of us went to the city to eat, and well we were in the city we went to Tinker Air Force Base and saw the airplanes. David was with us for this. Yay! We have been wanting to take the kids for a while, but David hates the heat and I don't want to stand in the cold. But Wednesday it was cloudy and only in the 80s, so we decided it would be a good day to go. The boys loved it!!!! They were so amazed by the planes! David enjoyed it too!! I thought it was neat and had fun watching the kids. I took some pictures (big surprise there, right?) LOL! Here some of them are.

G Force

On Tuesday the kids and I went and saw G Force. First off, Devin and Samantha didn't sleep well at all the night before, they were both up a lot. Well their moods didn't improve much all by the afternoon. But I decided to take the kids anyway since the older three were excited to see the movie. I am just glad we don't have to pay for movies... it wasn't any good. Actually we left with about 15 minutes left of the movie (I never usually leave during a movie, I can't remember the last time I did that). It was slow, there were only a couple of cute parts. My oldest three were bored with, Devin and Samantha were still in bad moods, thankfully they didn't cry during the movie, I would have stayed in there if they had. I wouldn't recommend it. I think it was more for the preteen age also.

Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Raining... It's Pouring...

After Chuck E Cheese I let the boys go outside and play in the rain. It has been raining all day here, but it is still warm outside. They LOVED it!!! Well Michael, Connor, and Garrett did. Devin didn't want to play in the rain, I don't think he wanted to get wet.
Devin instead of playing in the rain.
Connor "flying" through the rain. Picture is a little dark.

Garrett all wet!

Michael batting raindrops.

Chuck E Cheese

Today the kids and I went to Chuck E Cheese. We always have so much fun there. I wish we had one closer to our town, the one we go to is 45 minutes away. We had lunch there and then played games. Here are a few pictures.

Garrett and Devin on a ride..... they LOVE this ride. It is pretty neat, you lay back and watch the screen. Devin probably rode it 15 times today.
Michael and Connor on the same ride.

All four boys up in a toy.

Samantha's favorite game that I played. She loved the lights.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Wants

I am not even sure if anyone is reading this blog anymore.

David and I haven't been getting along too well the last few weeks. It is mainly because I have different wants then he does. My wants are as follow, I want to homeschool the children, I want to move out of here (town and maybe state), I want to foster care, and I want to foster dogs.. all of these wants do not have to be done at the same time. I would like to homeschool the children starting this school year, and I want to move away right this minute. But David has said no to all of them. He doesn't understand why I want to homeschool, he wants to stay in this town because of the money, he doesn't feel a need to foster anything. So who is right and who is wrong? Well in this house I have lost. Here are my reasons for my wants.

Wanting to homeschool: I do like the school Michael has been going to (Connor will start Kindergarten there this year now), I went there and my dad went there so it is like a family thing. I know a lot of the teachers which is helpful. Michael makes good grades there, and it isn't an easy school at all, but there test scores are really good. So all of that I do like. I love that about the school, and if I had to pick a school for the children it would be that school. But I feel like I can do better. I know I can. There would be 5 total in my classroom, where there is 20 in Michael's class. Michael was bored last year and didn't do most of his work because of it, with homeschooling there is no boredom, when he is ready to move on we would. No waiting for a classroom of children to "get" it. Michael now hates reading, and it is because of the school. I am not happy that he hates reading, he use to love it. I want my children to love learning. But it isn't going to happen. I have tried talking to David about it several times and he doesn't want to at all. The reason he will give me is because he is happy with the school they are going too. But he would probably be happy with any school.

About moving away: I don't care where we go, just away from here. I don't like this town at all. The town we live in is from anti children. We have nothing for families to do. It is boring. The main thing this town has is old people. Old people that don't care for kids. It is never going to change either. This town hates change. This town doesn't like anything new, they like the same old things. I would love to move to Dallas or some place like that. But I would even be ok with staying in this state just moving to a different town. One that actually has family things to do. I have no real friends in this town. I had two friends and one has already moved away in 2006 and the other is moving away soon. It isn't like I will be leaving friendship behind. Making friends in this town isn't easy to do. I am involved in Michael's school, I am there for everything and still haven't made any friends there. Making friends as an adult and a parent is hard, there is the issue with age difference, and that most women my age have 1 or no children still or like to party still, women David's age think I am too young (or at least look it), then the parenting issues is a whole other story. I am very involved with the children so a working mother and I don't have a lot in common, and someone that has 1 or 2 children just doesn't understand why we have 5. So many issues there. And of course moving away from here, would mean less of David's mother which would be a good thing for us all. David wants to stay because of his job, which I understand that. But money isn't everything.

About fostering: I have a big heart. I love children and animals, they are my passions (and photography). But there are so many children and animals that need love and I feel like we should open our doors to them, and help out when we can. Children are such a blessing and some people don't take care of their blessings, and I would love to be able to help those children out and give them a safe loving home. I use to have a dog rescue back in 2002, and I loved helping homeless dogs out, and finding them a good home. But David doesn't want to do either. He isn't giving like I am.

It is very upsetting to me. I feel like these are important things, and things that one should think about before making a decision. But the decision has been made, my wants are just not going to happen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well our little Samantha, or Sammy, or Sam, or Sammy Jo- depending on who is talking to her (LOL!) is 7 months old now!! Wow, how is that possible! It doesn't seem like she should already be 7 months old. Where is my baby at!! She is sitting up, rolling all over the room now, and would love to crawl but she hasn't figured that out. She weighs 19 pounds now.... a huge difference then the 6 pounds 4 ounces she was at birth. She isn't sleeping through the night yet, nor do I expect her too anytime soon. She is still in our room, but I had to put the bassinet away and now she is in a pack and play. I am not ready for her to be in her own room yet. I worked on her 7 month pictures, but Samantha isn't crazy about picture time yet... I hope she gets a little more used to the camera.

I like this one. It is my favorite.

This one, I wish she was smiling in it. But she isn't crying.

This one is cute, but I wish there wasn't a shadow.

And this is how Samantha really feels for picture time. LOL!! She wasn't happy at all. And this was actually the second picture. She makes me work hard for pictures. So this is a blackmail picture when she is older. LOL! :)

The Zoo

On Monday the kids and I went to the Zoo. We love the zoo, we have a membership there. The giraffes are Michael's favorite. Connor like the zebras. And Garrett and Devin like just about anything still. And this was the first time that Samantha actually saw the animals and was looking at them. It was so cute! The zoo also have a huge playground, which the boys LOVE!! It is really neat. Here are some pictures, there are more on my flickr account (I am photographybymalania on there).

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

Well our family went and saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was very good. I was afraid it would be too dark for the kids, but it really wasn't too dark. There is one scary scene, where it is loud and one scene of dead bodies, but the rest wasn't bad at all. It is a little long at 2 1/2 hours. But my kids made it through it, Devin did fall asleep for some of it, but the rest sat there and watched it. Of course they did cut some parts of the book from the movie, which was expected for the movie would have been really long. Over all it was really good, and I would watch it again. I can't wait till 7 comes out!!!! Even though it will be in two parts.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A couple of pictures from Dallas

More to come later. :)

Mini Vacation

Well we just got back from a mini vacation, we took a trip to Dallas which is about 4 hours from us. We left on Tuesday and back today. We didn't go for a reason except to get away from here for a couple of days.

When we got to Dallas on Tuesday, after we ate at Olive Garden (YUM!), we went to our hotel to check in. It was crazy busy! But we had already booked our rooms, (yay!) so we go to our room (Room #313) and the toilet was running. Well Davud couldn't get it to stop running and each time it was flushed it would leak water. So maintance came and had to replace a kit on it, while he was going that we decided to start Bolt. Well one of the speakers in the tv was broken and the maintance man would have to fix that after the toilet. So they decided to move us to another room (Room #432). So after moving rooms and getting settled we didn't go to sleep the first night till around midnight.

On Wednesday we went the Dallas World Aquarium, it was pretty neat but super crowded. There was a sign up that they were expecting 550 school age children from different programs on that day. Plus the rest of the world. (ha! Ha!) We went to the Galleria, which was a very nice mall with a ice skating rink inside of it. We also watched some movies in the hotel. We watched Bolt and Hotel for Dogs, which we had seen in the theatre. We also saw The Tale of Despereaux, and that was super slow and boring. The boys didn't like it at all. But they liked Ratatouille when we saw that, and the Tale of Despereaux was a lot like Ratatouille, but slower. And David and I watched Four Christmases and that was very funny!! We really liked it. I would recommended to anyone that hasn't seen it. And we swam in the hotel pool also. The boys and Samantha loved the swimming, and surprisingly we had the whole pool to ourselves which was awesome!!

None of us wanted to come home. I came up with all kinds of ideas on where we could go next, we could even just stay in Dallas and not come home. But David said no, we had to come home. :( So we are home now.

We are really looking forward to Walt Disney World in Sept!!! David may have to literally drag me home from there. LOL!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Transformers 2

On Thursday night, I took the kids to see Tranformers 2. Yay, we get in free because works there!! The oldest three boys liked the movie, Devin fell asleep with about 15 minutes left, and Samantha of course didn't care. As for me, I think it was ok. I liked the first one better. The second one had a lot of cussing in it, not just the transformers but also people. There is more sexual content and drinking and partying. And it is 2 1/2 hours long; a little long for children. I do think the first one was more kid friendly. Next on our summer movie list is G Force. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sibling LOVE!

Earlier today, I was cleaning the kitchen and Devin and Samantha were "playing" in the den. Well I noticed they were being too quiet, I knew Samantha couldn't be doing too much after all she is only 6 months old. So I walked in there and Devin was "reading" to her. He had a magic treehouse book and was flipping the pages and showing her and reading. I asked him if he was reading and he said "yem (his yes) to Sam"- he can't say Samantha. Then he kissed her forehead. :) So sweet!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Well Baby Visit

Yesterday was Devin's 3 year check up and Samantha's 6 month check up.

Devin has had a sinus infection which he was on medicine for but now he is alot better, and his throat look normal again (YAY!!!). Devin weighs 29 pounds with shoes on (20th percentile) and I can't remember how tall he is but it was the 50th percentile, I need to measure him at home so I can add it to his baby book. He got one shot, a Hep A.. he was behind on that. He was doing ok on the table talking to me, and when she poked him he started screaming. :( He cried all the way to the car. And now today he will say boo boo and grab his leg. Poor thing!

As for Samantha, she weighs 19 pounds 10 ounces (98th percentile) and is 26 3/4 inches (75th percentile), she is a big baby! She is our second biggest baby, Michael was the biggest. But the doctor is glad she is growing so well, and thinks a lot of it will come off when she starts moving more. She is now rolling both ways- she just started flipping over from stomach to back in the last month. And she is trying to sit up also. She got three shots and screamed also, and cried all the way to the car too. And today she has been SUPER fussy, she hasn't slept much and she is running a fever. :(

I am glad they are both growing well. But they are growing up too fast!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Photography Blog

Well I made a photography blog today, just in case I ever get real clients to photograph besides my own children. Here is the link to my other blog.

And I am on flickr, here is that link.

So feel free to follow me on both, and see if I can ever get clients or if my poor children will always be my subjects... :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ice Age

Yesterday the kids and I went and saw Ice Age, we saw it in 2D instead of 3D. And I am actually glad we only saw it in 2D, I don't think Garrett would have sat through it if the dinosaurs had actually been coming out of the screen at him.... he is scared of dinosaurs!! He started to flip out during a few parts of it, but calmed down and watched the rest of the movie. The other boys loved it. And I thought it was pretty cute!

Major Slacker!!

Well I am a major slacker on my blog. We will just blame it on facebook. LOL! I need Facebook Anonymous!! The kids are having a good summer. We have been to Chuck E Cheese, the zoo, the park, and swimming a few times. And we will be going back before summer is over. Devin has had a sinus infection is on medicine because of it, but now he is feeling a lot better. I am going to try and keep up with my blog a littler better.