Wow, this has been a LONG week and it is only Thursday!! Sunday night to Monday morning, Samantha only slept 3 hours all night, she wasn't feeling well; just coughing and congested some- I didn't think anything major since she had NO fever.... was I wrong!!! I took her and Michael to the doctor on Monday. Michael was going because he passed out on Friday for the second time in 6 months. Michael had to do blood work (which was normal) and an EKG (which was normal) but he will be seeing a specialist on next Thursday to see if they can figure out what is going on. For Samantha when we got back to an exam room, I felt of her and she was hot so they took her fever and it was 101.8 and she didn't have a fever at all when we left the house, 15 minutes before that!! So they ran a flu test (which was negative)and a RSV test(also negative) and did a chest x-ray- she has pneumonia!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! Poor baby! So I took her back to the doctor and she got a shot. On Tuesday, Devin was coughing badly so I took him to the doctor, and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him. And Samantha got a second shot then, since she still wouldn't eat much at all, and was only having 2-3 wet diapers in a 24 hour period. On Wednesday no one went to the doctor. But on Wednesday afternoon, Garrett started limping. He has been complaining that his leg hurts, so I thought it was just a pulled muscle or growing pains, but on Wednesday he would barely walk. So this morning he went to the doctor and they did x-rays and those came back normal. So we are not sure what is going on with him, could be a pulled muscle or growing pains still. Hopefully will not be back at the doctors off for a week or two. And hopefully this week will end SOON!!! Crazy week. We are hoping for a better week next week.