Wow, I can't believe that it is already Halloween time, this year is almost over with. How can that be? I must be getting old! Halloween is in 2 days now, the kids had a Halloween party on Monday, and Michael has one tomorrow at school; that the kids and I will be going too, and then Saturday night we will be trick or treating. Yay free candy!!! LOL! Last year we had so much candy, it was crazy, but the boys had a lot of fun. I just hope it isn't raining, it has been raining all day here. But it is suppose to be clear and not to cold (60s as the high that day). Tomorrow night or Saturday morning we will make a haunted house, I will post pictures after that is done. My kids are being- Michael is Buzz Light Year (his 3rd time), Connor is Mr Incredible, Garrett is Woody, Devin is Lighting McQueen, and Samantha is Minnie Mouse. They look so cute!! I can't remember if I have posted pictures on my blog of them in their costumes, I will look and see in a minute. It should be interesting with Samantha this year, I am not sure if she will like the costumes, plus it will be dark, and she is teething, so it may be very interesting. LOL! At least she isn't walking!! Next year should be a lot of fun, chasing her around. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Halloween!!