Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pink Eye
Devin has pink eye, the first time our family has had pink eye. He had a low fever on Thursday night, I didn't think too much of it, gave him some Motrin and didn't worry about it. Friday morning and afternoon he was fine. And at 5:30 PM on Friday all of a sudden his right eye was very red and swollen so I made him let me look at it. It had nasty stuff coming out of it. I cleaned his eye and asked him if it hurt he said yes. He had a low fever. So I gave him motrin and within a few minutes he had more stuff coming out of his eye. I decided to call the doctor on call, and I told them I am pretty sure he had pink eye. It took the doctor on call two hours to call me back (lovely! @@), and she called in medicine. He started that late on Friday. He doesn't care for the drops in his eye but he is being so brave about it. His eye does look better today but it is still and swollen some, hopefully he will be 100% soon. I just hope no one else gets it. My eyes have been itchy and bothering me, but I am thinking it could be my contacts, it has been a while since I changed them. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed no one else gets it. It's very nasty!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What is in a name?
Ok, I have been a bad blogger again, well that isn't completely true I have been keeping up with my 365 (WOOHOO to me!!!). But yes I have been a bad blogger here (BOOHOO to me!). Anywho, what is in a name? I have been thinking anf thinking some more on a name for my photography. I have been using Photography By Malania for a while now, and I do like it but everyone I know uses a their name, most use their first and last name and then photography, I do know a few that use their first and middle name... so that has left me thinking about a name. Should I do Malania Hammer Photography, or leave it Photography By Malania... I don't know. Naming a baby is easier then THIS! If I was pregnant right now, I know what I would name a boy 100%, a girl I have two picks.. naming my site I have two picks and go back and forth. I want to buy the name but can't decide. I was just going to do and can you believe that is taken, who would have thought? Malania isn't all that popular. LOL! My husband and kids like Photography By Malania best, I don't have a fave, maybe that is why I can't pick. Maybe I am just wishy washy. So if you are reading this.. do you have any thoughts, or suggestions?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Connor's Week
Well this week Connor went back to school, his decision not mine. I told him if he wanted to go he can, or he can stay at home till 1st grade. He wanted to go, we talked about it a lot. And so this week Connor went back to school and he has done AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him!! He has woke up each morning without a fit, he has been happy when he came home, he has told me each day that he didn't cry at school, that he had fun at school, and he even has made a little friend!!!! A little girl and him have played for two days. I am so glad it has gone well for him. I was so worried. He loves the homework too. I am just so glad he is having a good time.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sleep, what is sleep? That is a question I ask myself often. I get very little sleep. Do some people need more sleep then others? Or that a matter of wanting? Two of my little ones think they need very little sleep during the day and at night, especially the youngest one. She doesn't sleep all night yet and hardly takes a nap during the day. Now David on the other hand could sleep all day and night. He has told me before that he needs 15 hours.... what? Really??? Who could sleep 15 hours in a 24 hour period? Not me! My body seems to do better with less sleep though, of course I would love 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep but I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. I am doing good to get 6 hours of very interrupted sleep a night. Now David gets a lot more then me. He usually gets anywhere from 8-11 hours at night and then likes to take a 1-4 hour nap on the days he is home in the afternoon. My grandmother passed away on the 19th of December I was told about her wreck and death at around 10:30 that night and that night I only slept 1 hour.. I had so much on my mind, and that went on till the 23rd. Finally on the 23rd I was tired enough to sleep 4-5 hours that night. So maybe some people do need more, or want more sleep then others. I know my youngest needs more sleep then she is getting. So those of you that get sleep, enjoy it! :)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Back to School
Well tomorrow the boys go back to school. I LOVE having them at home with me. I enjoy my time with them, and I love having ALL of them at home. Connor is going back to kindergarten tomorrow. We took him out after a couple of weeks because of the teacher, but he has been asking to go back and I didn't want to keep him home if he really wanted to go. I hope tomorrow he has a WONDERFUL day, a day of new friends, a day of joy! He had such an awful expereince the first couple of weeks back in August, and he needs to experience the good things about school. The school is making him go back in the same class, which I am not thrilled about. The teacher needs to retire! But he knows he will be in her class and still wants to go. So I will be all smiley and happy for him. I will miss both Connor and Michael, it is so hard to get back in the school routine. I wish they were still babies, how they are growing up way too fast.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
365 Blog
For anyone that may want to follow, I started a 365 blog.
Here is the link.
I hope to be able to keep up with it every day. I hope you will follow me on my photography journey.
Here is the link.
I hope to be able to keep up with it every day. I hope you will follow me on my photography journey.
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